Category Archives: Home

5 reasons you need to hop on a beer bus tour

It’s 10:30 on a cloudy, cold-for-July morning – jacket weather, we call it here in New England.  Groups of people mill about inside and outside The Craft Beer Cellar on Commercial Street in Portland’s Old Port. Some hold coffee cups, some from Starbuck’s, some from Dunkin’s and our local Coffee by Design. But coffee preferences […]

Stop the beer world! I want to get on!

Here I am at 8:30 a.m. on April 29th and it’s 31 degrees. Cold enough to snow in late April? Come on! Okay, I got that off my chest. Now I’m beginning work for the day doing final edits for my beer book, that never-ending beer book that I undertook in October, 2013 and is […]

What’s brewing? Over 4100 craft breweries and counting!

If you don’t know about the Brewers Association (BA), get thee to their website as soon as you’re finished reading this post, because it’s a one-stop craft beer resource you won’t want to be without. ( They just announced this new stat: The Year In Beer: U.S. Brewery Count Reaches All-Time High of 4,144 Back […]